Five Tips on Writing

Games Writing

I’m delighted to share that I was interviewed by Twist Tales about my Five Tips on Writing. The topics covered included hooking the audience, plot development, world building, character design, and making meaningful choices. Here’s a brief preview of the interview:

Tone is one of the first things I try to get right with an opening, with the aim of creating a sense of mood or feeling that will permeate throughout the whole narrative. Generally, this tone is anchored with a specific character, setting, event, or imagery (depending on the needs of the story) that grounds the audience in the narrative and sets up expectations for the story — while also providing a sense of intrigue that makes the audience curious about what’s to come. 

For example, in Stephen King’s novel, The Gunslinger, part of The Dark Tower series, the first sentence reads, “The man in black fled across the desert and the gunslinger followed.” It’s a simple line that immediately sets a tone associated with myth and folklore, presenting characters that feel archetypal. It also immediately specifies the two main characters (protagonist and antagonist) and setting (the desert), while establishing some initial questions as to who these men are and why one is chasing the other. All of this doesn’t necessarily have to be captured in the first sentence (or second). The audience will often offer a bit of a grace period when they’re first getting into a new book, movie, or game. But this tone and specificity should come fairly quickly within the first few pages of a book, minutes of a movie, or hour of a game.

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Games I Played in October 2024

Alan Wake II | Source: Remedy Enterainment

With it being spooky season, I decided to take a break from Cyberpunk 2077 and jumped into a game I’ve been wanting to play for a long while — Alan Wake II (from Remedy Entertainment). I absolutely adored the first Alan Wake, and I was excited to delve into the sequel (which arrived 13 years after the first game) — and I’m having great, if semi-stressful and terrifying, fun so far.

Games I Played in September 2024

Before Your Eyes | screenshot by me

Before Your Eyes (GoodbyeWorld Games) is a beautiful game about exploring the memories of one’s life and the way we can’t really ever hold on to the past. When the player opens the game, they are greeted by a wolf carrying them on a boat through the waters of the afterlife. The wolf explains that he is taking the player to the gatekeeper, and that he needs to understand their life in order to allow them to pass through.

Games I Played in August

Red Dead Redemption | Source: Press Kit.

I finished Red Dead Redemption (Rockstar Games). Once I worked through the challenge of figuring out the gameplay, I was able to be fully immersed in the experience (except for the horse breaking mini-game, because that annoyed me to no end). Ultimately, I loved the way the game cleared up its storyline, hitting key story beats from the Western genre (with very Unforgiven vibes). The ending is beautiful and heartbreaking — and now I’m even more inclined to play the sequel.

Games I Played in July 2024

Red Dead Redemption | Source: Press Kit.

Every time you jump into a new game, you have to learn how to play it, not just the controls, but the rules of the world in which you are playing — and that has been especially true for me with Red Dead Redemption (Rockstar Games).

Because it’s an older game, the controls are a bit less smooth than I’ve become accustomed to, and that was mildly annoying at first, but I figured out the flow fairly quickly. And now I really love my horsie, who is a good boy and always there for me — and I enjoy most of the gun battles and can wade my way through a number of dudes without getting totally obliterated.